Chiropractic for Auto Injuries
Have you experienced an auto injury in Bend?
Following an automobile accident, it is important to seek care immediately. A chiropractor can detect injuries that may not be immediately noticeable, but can be very serious.
While many injuries are noticeable immediately following an accident, such as broken bones, whiplash, cuts, concussions, muscular damage and dislocations - often times there are very serious injuries that you may not notice and are oftentimes overlooked. Injuries to the spine and nervous system can cause serious issues if appropriate treatment is not established.
Chiropractors specialize in diagnosing and treating the musculoskeletal system. The strain and force from the automobile accident can result in damage to the muscles, nerves and ligaments that are responsible for protecting your nervous system and supporting your head and neck. If these injuries are not corrected, it can lead to both neurological and musculoskeletal degeneration.
As you can see immediate detection is key when dealing with automobile injuries.